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Aeronautical Engineer

Career as Aeronautical Engineer

Aeronautical engineers design, develop and maintain aircrafts to ensure high level of technical precision and safe operations. They work in close coordination with aircraft maintenance engineers and inflight and maintenance teams.

Job Profile

Career as Aeronautical Engineer
  • Aircraft engineers in civil aviation specialise in mechanical or electronic branch of aeronautical engineering.
  • Aeronautical mechanical engineers service and overhaul engines and airframes.
  • Aeronautical electronic engineers specialise in the maintenance of instruments, electrical and electronic equipment, navigation, radar and radio communication.
  • Flight engineers make pre-flight inspections and are responsible for the efficient performance of the aircraft during the flight. They diagnose and deal with any system failures, manage repairs, report any defects to maintenance and later check that they have been dealt with. They may also be responsible for refuelling.
  • Engineers carry out routine maintenance on the ground during aircraft overhauling at airports
  • They respond to reports from air crew of any difficulties experienced during flights, and carry out repairs and corrections.
  • They also do maintenance and overhaul of aircraft in hangers and workshops when an aircraft is due for its regular inspection and checks.
  • They complete maintenance worksheets and certify these if they are licensed to do so, or get the certification from a qualified supervisor.Aircraft engineers in civil aviation normally specialise in aeronautical mechanical or electronic engineering.
Skills required
  • Strong sense of responsibility
  • Ability to work speedily with accuracy - since aircrafts have to be serviced in a short time
  • Normal colour vision
  • Manual, technical and mechanical aptitude
  • Ability to work as members of a team
  • Physical fitness & good head for heights


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