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Devfest 2021 SWAGS Quiz | Cloud Quiz! Day 01

Cloud Quiz! Day 01
Be fast and choose the correct options to win a cool swag kit for yourself.

#DevFestIndia2021 #DevFest
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Which are core components of GCP Database Migration Service(DMS)? *
Which of the following GCP Network Service tier ideally proposed for low latency for users accessing Enterprise workloads running on GCP? *
You want to get started using GCP service on solving data wrangling challenges for analysis,adhoc reporting and machine learning usecases.Which GCP service is recommended for structured and unstructured data? *
Whats the durability offered for Google Cloud storage? *
Which of these services is not Serverless GCP service? *
Which Google Cloud service should be right cloud service for running stateless container workloads? *
You are trying to build ML models using power of SQL. Which GCP service should be the right choice? *
Which of the following Services can be right fit for data lake modernization on Google cloud? *
You are looking for GCP service which is fully managed NoSQL database service for large analytical and operational workloads with low latency and high throughput for time series data. Which is the recommended service from GCP? *
You are designing for cost effective storage class with GCS for storing data for regulatory and complaince reasons. As per instructions from IT team storage should be designed for a 90-day minimum storage duration and later on moved to further low cost storage on GCP for data regulatory purpose. Which 2 storage classes on GCS are recommended from GCP? *
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